Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

A clear sign that the time has come to move out.

It's only been two months since we moved to a different city together. Besides, we don't have the financial situation to afford something like that.

Not the actual reason as I stated but I find it worthy of adding that the moving out of children from their parents thing works very differently in the Turkish family culture. It's really uncommon for a child to move out of his parents' house and start living on his own unless he gets married. Living seperately from parents almost exclusively works with a change of city, and it's mostly through staying in university dormitories and not living in an actual house.
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It's alive!

Oh, so is Wasted! How was yer weekend bud?

Was good! Busy! My daughters came home for the weekend and brought two of their friends, so my house was full of teenage girls :/ But a good time was had by all. Moved the TV to the garage to watch football while I changed oil in the cars.

How bout yours?
It's only been two months since we moved to a different city together. Besides, we don't have the financial situation to afford something like that.

Not the actual reason as I stated but I find it worthy of adding that the moving out of children from their parents thing works very differently in the Turkish family culture. It's really uncommon for a child to move out of his parents' house and start living on his own unless he gets married. Living seperately from parents almost exclusively works with a change of city, and it's mostly through staying in university dormitories and not living in an actual house.

Not exactly to Flash, but just out of curiosity, does anyone know how factual the statements in The Da Vinci Code were, about how standard it was for men to need to be married in Christ's time?
Not exactly to Flash, but just out of curiosity, does anyone know how factual the statements in The Da Vinci Code were, about how standard it was for men to need to be married in Christ's time?

It was actually a law that citizens of the Roman empire had to be married. You could be exempted from that law, but it was considered a privilege.
Not exactly to Flash, but just out of curiosity, does anyone know how factual the statements in The Da Vinci Code were, about how standard it was for men to need to be married in Christ's time?

I realize this has pretty much nothing to do with my post except for being inspired by it, but thing I talked about applies to females as well, felt like pointing it out.
Had a meeting at a Catholic school this afternoon to direct a music program, almost wore my Number of the Beast shirt on accident. :D
I just looked up most of the metal bands playing at local venues over the next few months, just to see if any of them are worth checking out...

...they're all deathcore. :facepalm: