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When I was young I used to think suicide was just an issue for the young.
But depression is an issue that can cycle in and out of people's lives at any time.
Sad stuff.
It really is. I had an aunt commit suicide several years back. I think she was 74, and I couldn't help but think, "if you lived that long, why not ride it out?" She wasn't ill, or in pain, her kids were good and around, had a great relationship (apparently) with her husband. But I was told that sometimes people get older and feel less able to bear whatever burden they have.
They've confirmed it was a hanging. Terribly sad, but you'd be surprised how many comedians suffer from depression and stress.
See the city burn on the other side
going down in flames as two worlds collide
Who can now look back with a sense of pride?
On the other shore there's the end of the war ...
The fucking internet has been working at dialup speeds all day and its making it ridiculously hard to do my job. :rolleyes:
Beware the kitten.
Some dumbass is constantly leaving one of the two exits of the building open by putting a brick in the doorframe. 2 months ago, someone broke into the basement and stole a lot of stuff, including 4 winter tires from my room in the basement. 1 month ago someone (probably a dog) took a shit on the basement doors. So since then, there are cameras on both exits. Yet the dumbass is constantly leaving the brick there, even though I wrote a note on the doors to stop fucking doing it. I threw a couple of them in the trashcan too. So this morning I go out and the brick is back. I smashed it against the wall, picked up the pieces and put a paper that says "FUCK YOU" underneath. Game on, bitch.