Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

My second time in Germany. First time sweltering Munich airport, second time a soggy Munich airport.
Something tells me next time. I should check and see what else this country has to offer,
My team mates at work are trying to piss me off. I went 'on shift' two weeks early, because one team mate had to travel for work-- I covered his two weekend shifts. now no one will cover my two weekend shifts so I'll be working 4 weekends in a row in summer, right after I got my new bike. Fuck. :(
Whoa... that is good to know! :) I wonder if it'll taste better to me after a football mach you have won-- I must try this :)
One of our players had a real Zlatan moment (fitting, since he is Swedish) during the game. Just as he was fouled by an opponent, he managed to fire a shot with the outside of his foot, curling it past the goalkeeper. I had the pleasure of serving a very neat cross to another of my team-mates, who converted it with a nice header.

And if one of you play a match (be it football or another sport) and win, share the news here and I'll see if my beer tastes better after your win as well :D
My team mates at work are trying to piss me off. I went 'on shift' two weeks early, because one team mate had to travel for work-- I covered his two weekend shifts. now no one will cover my two weekend shifts so I'll be working 4 weekends in a row in summer, right after I got my new bike. Fuck. :(

That creates vacuum.
Yes. it does.

Well, I've been more than happy to help these guys get days free and work extra ones and now they are just being jerks... :/
Are they actually laughing about it? What jerkfaces. Yeah, next time, just be all like "no, I can't, because you're not willing to help me out when I need it."