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On this boring night, I've done some research on psychological disorders due to a couple of possible symptoms I had. I think I have a mild case of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

- I have irrational bedtime rituals. Whenever I'm going to bed, I hold my ear, produce a certain sound (can't really describe it) then knock on wood three times then say a phrase. If the sound doesn't come out the way I want it to go, I don't hit the wood in rhythm or stutter while repeating the phrase, I start over. It has gone on for 15 minutes on one occasion until I got it right. I feel like my loved ones are going to die if I don't get the ritual done.
- The same ritual applies to the day time. Whenever I feel like a loved one is going to die, I do the same routine. Feelings don't go away when I get it done, I also spend sometime convincing myself that it's going to protect them. I convince myself that "all good and bad, all that is real and not real, all that is tangible and intangible combine to protect my loved ones from death". I get urges to do this ritual almost anywhere. I've done it on streets by hitting a tree, I've done it on a bus while travelling, I've done it in a classroom.
- My obsessive nature shows itself whenever I'm shooting on a basketball court. I set myself some goals and don't leave the court until I get them done. Last week, I tried to hit 5 long range shots in a row and call it a day. I couldn't get it done, I missed the fifth one after nailing four shots at least 20 times. It went on for 30 minutes, I almost passed out out of exhaustion and only left because I did get it done.
- I'm not obsessed over symmetry or placement but I do become obsessive when I'm trying to fix something up. If it's not done perfectly, I can't leave it.
- Another common symptom of the disorder is constant listing. I keep lists of everything. (@Black Wizard can vouch for that. :p)
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I have OCD too.
Everything I own has its own place in the apartment, and for example, when I come back from uni/outside, I have to put everything from my bag back in its place before doing anything else, like eating or sleeping.
I sort clothes in the closet by colour/size/type, books by author/title, cosmetics in the closet by size, so definitely obsessed with symmetry/placement.
I can't stand when someone messes with my stuff or when there's fixing/renovating and trash in the apartment. It always lasts for days and I can't go to sleep if everything isn't cleaned and put back in its spot. Last year I didn't come home for a week until the workers left.
I also have a lot of rituals and a lot of every day stuff I always do in a certain order or by a template.
Awesome thing about all this is that I always notice when someone was looking through my stuff and I rarely can't find my stuff in the apartment :P
I got a text this morning saying "If u dont already know, im going to be a father next February". This is from a guy who I vaguely knew and drunkenly exchanged phone numbers with five years ago at university and it's the only time either of us has used the other's number. Big group text I assume. ::)
He appeared in a thread the other day too. Good holiday, Foro?
Yes very nice, thank you! I was in Zeeland (South West province) where we visited the beach and the beautiful town of Hulst, and Belgium (Brugge, Damme).

Also in Belgium I've seen well preserved Atlantikwall, plus Fort Napoleon and the harbour of Zeebrugge.
I seem to remember 'not thinking about penguins' was on a list of pointless things to do when you're bored, as suggested by Urban75 website.
Exactly. That's why it's an incredibly frustrating game to play, and only something you'd do if you were shockingly bored.
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan won the presidential election today, he's now the president instead of prime minister. The participation rate was at %67, an all-time low. I'm a bit optimistic about this really, it's better to have him as a president (basically a passivated position although a superior one) than prime minister. New prime minister will be announced shortly and we'll head to general election next year. AKP will be with a new leader, will lack the charisma of Erdoğan and current president, Abdullah Gül, is rumoured to start a party of his own which might lead to a break up in AKP. We'll see.