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Natural Geographic Photo of the Day: Your Shot member Kersti Kalberg captured this image of a white pony basking in the sun in Estonia.

Hmmm .. got a Groupon offer for the Holocaust Museum, which seemed a bit odd that a) they are selling Groupons and b) I had no idea there was a Holocaust Museum in Dallas
So. There's a party tomorrow for our accountant (I work at a PA/Media installation company, as a live sound engineer). The fact that I rigged a small PA system at the local mason headquarters aside (that was an odd place), there's a live band a few miles outside of town. I was told by the boss to bring a shitload of stuff, and I was in contact with the "manager" or whatever for the band. And they wanted 4 separate monitor systems. Okay.

But when I get there.... Turns out the room where they are playing is no larger than a fucking living room (25 square meters or so. I'd rather have just 1 monitor system...)! So I couldn't even fit the truss (and just barely the stands. They had to make do with a slightly smaller stage), where you hang all the lamps and the back drop. Anyway, my colleague went all McGyver and screwed the LED lights in place and whatnot.

At least 1/3 of all the stuff I brought were redundant. Ridiculous. And there's 10 cm left to the ceiling when you're on stage. And they are going to fit a drum set. a bass and guitar rig, synths, vocalist + the other musicians. We'll see how it turns out tomorrow. Ain't gonna be that much live mixing, I'll tell you that. Such a small fuckin room.
Friday night, warm spring evening, and what am I doing? Writing my MA.
Thanks! I can hardly wait to get outta work... Hows it goin in your neck of the woods, other than wet?

@Per, good luck this weekend!! ...with your writing...
It's not a lot of time, but I have the essence of it done anyway. I just need to put it in presentable shape and form.
Oh, I know what you man by that. I have some vaca time I can't use until after July 1st... and, after July 1st is when our schedule is going to change...even though we don't know what the hours or schedule will be. So... planning something is gonna hafta wait :/
Scenes from out my window: A ghetto log.

18:00 Somebody carries a large amount of bulky waste out the front door of the opposite house and puts it on the pavement.
19:00 A car stops, a family of three (father, mother, six-year-old son) of apparent Middle Eastern descent gets out, browses these items, puts some of them in the trunk and drives away.
21:00 Sudden noise. A band of drunk teenagers pass by and start shouting at somebody they refer to as an "Arab piece of shit".
22:00 Sudden noise. Somebody put on Boney M.
22:20 A taxi stops just below my window. The driver gets out, takes a leak behind the next car, gets back in his taxi and drives away.
Almost everytime I'm up around 4 am, I start researching visual phenomena. Haphazardly.

Blue hours (Dawn and Dusk) are definitely my favorite time of the day. Love the peacefulness and dreaminess they bring.