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I haven't had any unusual ones yet, but I have tried a significant amount of offals. Brain, head, tongue, kidney, heart, spleen, liver, lung, tripe, intestines and trotters.

Kokoreç, which is a dish made from offals, is actually one of my favorite dishes in Turkish cuisine.
I love squid. Around the Mediterrenean it's called calamari/kalamar. Fried squid with tarator is just awesome.

Edit: Aaand I'm treating myself to a kebab. Life's good.
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There are a fair amount of stores here that carry Kangaroo ... I thought it was okay, nothing I would go out of my way to find again. A few places sell Lion, I want to do that one next.
Supposedly the tastiest meat of all time is the Giant Tortoise, but there is no way to verify this as they are somewhat endangered. It took a hundred years to give it a scientific name because no specimens ever made it back to London, they all got eaten on the boats.