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Although they are all the same animal (and I think some are just a different way of storing/preparing?), personal order of pig preference = Gammon > Bacon > Ham > Pork.
You know, as a German I'm obviously used to pork, and there's a lot of pork stuff I like... but it's probably my second least favourite type of meat.
Yeah, seeing how people react to bacon, it should be pretty fun to try it out for the first time. On the other hand, you guys also have many fantastic things from Turkish cuisine you haven't tried yet. :D

By the way I'm having this conversation while I'm very hungry, it's pretty much torture.
I too will try whatever I can with very few exceptions. Off the top of my head so far: Bacon, Gammon, Pork, Ham, Turkey, Chicken, Lamb, Mutton, Duck, Pheasant, Beef, Bison, Buffalo, Ostrich, Guinea Fowl, Partridge, Wood Pigeon. Fish: Salmon, Swordfish, Shark, Trout, Haddock, Halibut, Cod, Plaice, Sea Bass.

Been wanting to try Kangaroo/Crocodile for a while but haven't found a shop selling them. There are a few online places that sell a huge selection but it's costly and you can only really buy in bulk :(

When it comes to food I like it as plain as possible really, so the whole mexican/indian/thai/etc is not something I generally eat. Majority of my food is either fried or grilled.

And yes, I too am now hungry, and debating whether it's too late to fry some bacon >.>
I too will try whatever I can with very few exceptions. Off the top of my head so far: Bacon, Gammon, Pork, Ham, Turkey, Chicken, Lamb, Mutton, Duck, Pheasant, Beef, Bison, Buffalo, Ostrich, Guinea Fowl, Partridge, Wood Pigeon. Fish: Salmon, Swordfish, Shark, Trout, Haddock, Halibut, Cod, Plaice, Sea Bass.
Didn't try horse?
You can buy Croc. & Kangaroo burgers at that Australian themed bar chain place. There's one in Glasgow, that I went to years ago. Crocodile is fish like in presentation. Can't remember what it actually tasted like though. It wasn't that interesting.
I had kangaroo once, it didn't really taste like anything and was quite tough.