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Good luck!

I usually celebrate St. Patty's for obvious reason (Irish being part of my heritage and all) but I don't usually go out and drink. I did it one year and it was just a mess and annoying. For me, the holiday is not about drinking anyway.
High school entrance exams done. I fucked up Maths more than I would forgive myself but the other subjects went as expected. 12 long days of waiting until I get to hear the results :dancinggeek:.
On another note, I saw an old acquaintance of mine which sadly made this day take a turn for the worse.
High school entrance exams done. I fucked up Maths more than I would forgive myself but the other subjects went as expected. 12 long days of waiting until I get to hear the results :dancinggeek:.
On another note, I saw an old acquaintance of mine which sadly made this day take a turn for the worse.

Hopefully all goes well Saap! Only 6 days to go for me.
There's a good chance I fall short of reaching the best university and the best department in the country in Translation Studies by just a couple of questions. I have to get just a bit of more Maths questions right than usual. It'd suck not getting there even though the second best one is pretty damn good as well (it has its own advantages).

I should get around 39/40 of Turkish, 39/40 of Social Studies, 25/40 of Maths and 15/40 of Science questions right on Sunday, plus 80/80 of English questions in June. I'm currently producing results of 39/40, 39/40, 20/40, 10/40 in average for Sunday's exam. English exam is no big deal for me. Will easily be 80/80.

I know this is too much information but hey, it happens when you're in this mood.
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