Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Wow... I'm really sorry to hear that, Per. I've gone through something similar. Last year at work, there was a girl who worked in our accounting department who died of cancer. I wasn't close to her but she had been there as long as I was and I worked with her a couple times. She use to work in the call center for a bit. Very nice girl, always outgoing and could put a smile on your face. Even though I didn't know her on a personal level, I still felt very sad about it.
That reminds me of when I was working at the call centre and a woman was killed driving in to work. Not everyone knew her well, but everyone knew her. It was really sad, and the place was quite shocked.
In other news: First impression of Trooper is as follows: Quite refreshing :D Not a very demanding ale, pretty short aftertaste. I think it's going to sit well with the burgers I'm about to make!
I'm heading to a new sports bar in town called "tilted kilt". I want beer and burgers. Especially after reading this thread.

Also, how is everyone?? I need to find some time when people are in the chat!