Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I don't even know why I keep drinking coffee, it's not like I'm particularly tired or anything, and it's not even good coffee.
So now it is clear: I'm not going to France. I'm staying in the office as the rest of the department travel out of town for the annual department winter gathering. And ... I'm going to work on a project where our company is sort of like Ukraine or Poland during WW2, stuck between the hammer and the anvil.

However, the parallel stops there as I find it unreasonable to compare a demanding customer and a difficult subcontractor to Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.

Also my phone doesn't work, my car shows signs of shutting down and I have a headache. Whohoo!
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Have a great trip Knickerbocker!

I couldn't be more excited for the weekend. :D
That's a great album, enjoy. Also, good to see that someone else out there is still buying physical music product.

It is not like Collin is the last person on the planet to buy CDs. I typically buy a Maiden (or whatever) album when I see it but we really do not have that big a choice here. Slowly though, the collection grows.