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Of course I'm aware of this, I'm a sports geek :D I see the point, but on the other hand: Both were crucial in winning those relays. Take either of them out and replace them with the 5th best in the team, and Norway would probably not win any of those relays. So I don't think it makes much of a difference, really.
What was confusing was that your comment seemed intent to correct something, when nothing had been said (by me). No big deal.
Still, Daehlie was the best most often, when on his own.

I guess I was talking to all sports journalists who did not mention this. ;-)
Naturally out of all people you are the one to talk with, about such trivia.
I guess I was talking to all sports journalists who did not mention this. ;-)

Then you could mention that in order to avoid confusion :)

You are obviously right that Dæhlie succeeded more times than Bjørndalen individually. That's a numerical fact - 6 is larger than 5 just like Adrian Smith is larger than you and me :ninja:

Personally, I don't bother to argue that one of them is greater than the other. Dæhlie dominated more over a period of six years (1992-1998). Bjørndalen came back from a couple of poor seasons to finish his career in great style. (Some had already argued he should have retired earlier and that a younger biathlete should have been sent to Sochi in his place. Way to prove them wrong!).

If you ask me whose achievement is greater, I'd say pass.
From a few posts back, I buy milk when my daughters complain we have none. Then they don't drink it and it goes bad. I have 3 3/4 full quarts in my fridge that are expired :/

In other news, hello forum!