Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Two hours. Needed to do the laundry before I head for class. And I'm spilling kiwi juice all over my desk.
A little late but

Eventually, the harbouring of members of the terrorist organisation Al Qaeda, including its leader, Osama bin Laden, broke the Taliban's back, making them the primary target of Western reaction following the terrorist attacks of 11. September 2001.

"the harbouring (harboring in US English) of members" seems a little clumsy. I would drop the "the". Also, it seems like a run on sentence. I would stop at "back" and start a new one with Making, but reword like "As a result, this made.
The English language. So many rules, so broken by it's native speakers. :)

Tomorrow is the day that the company goes over the proposals for the Infrastructure Upgrade....
It is really hard to keep track. I was lucky when I started college, I had two teachers who showed me how to write good papers. But that was some time ago and I have gotten lazy and fallen into internet habits of writing.