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My son is starting school today as well ... the start of his sophomore year of college. My daughter stared a little over a week ago.

Bad part, traffic is worse in the morning and afternoon with school zones. I get them for elementary and junior high, but if High School students do not know how to cross a street by now, they have other problems.
It's flaming hot over here. I can't stand going to cram school and staying there for 7 hours everyday, you can't simply breathe in there...

Winter can't come soon enough indeed.
I am ready for winter myself. I am going to Chicago on Saturday, it looks warm there, but 20 degrees cooler than here.

Edit ... 20 degrees F
You do have a point there. I guess I was more so saying that the life that goes along with school tends to be easier. Like when you're a kid growing up, you don't have to worry about life things quite so much like paying bills and working etc.
I used to deeply hate school when I went there, but I think that, unless it was a time of unbroken abuse, most people will look at it nostalgically later on.
I can't really say I hated school but I wasn't overly fond of it. I was socially awkward and pretty shy back then (well, I am still a bit shy now but no where near as shy as I use to be) and I was treated kind of weirdly because of that. But there are parts of school I do miss, like being able to see my friends every day, which is so hard to do now since we all have different lives going on and I was in band/marching band and I really miss that part of it. For every shitty memory of school, there is a fond one, for me at least.
I wasn't keen on school either, I'm so glad to have left it. It was good seeing friends every day, that's better than work (depending on the workplace of course). Work is just a different set of issues... namely pressure from bosses and clients, and needing to perform well in the job because it's how you make your living.
School wasnt bad, but I gotta say the ability to self-determine friends, careers and leisure in adulthood makes it better.
...I remember a time when we used and abused...

I remember a time when they used and abused us...

I used to deeply hate school when I went there, but I think that, unless it was a time of unbroken abuse, most people will look at it nostalgically later on.

Not really my case. I hated my teen years, everything around me started to collapse in my last year, it was a boring place with stupid teachers, huge percentage of them didn't like me (ok, thats fine) and robbed my grades (not fine at all) and other nonsense that i don't like to remember.

The place basically sucked, it was one of the last series of prefabricated pavillions that were only firstly built for preparing students in the last year before College and then it literally ballooned to accommodate more years of the secondary education and even night students, the limits were geographically barbed wired to feel they were like a single unit, nobody used the basketball court, the heating system usually collapsed first thing in the morning (yeah, that was funny, eight and something and kids were like ghosts during the winter's dawn, trying to find an empty pavillion), there wasn't any bus station nearby, the windows were tiny, the bar was suspicious, the students' association was ridiculous, i remember my first year, everything was really strange, vote A, vote F, and then we were obliged to listen to Bob Marley and No Doubt out loud the full year! damn. I started to listen Maiden there, well, not all bad news. :duckie:

It was a typical place that everyone knows that is for temporally use but the temporally use lasts more than two decades.

And last but not the least, my high school is... broken, destroyed, pulverized, crushed, crumbled, smashed, swallowed, defeated, disintegrated, collapsed, caput...

it was demolished about ten years ago :bigsmile: and now it is a parking lot.
Reading the school experiences of some of you makes me feel undeservedly lucky ... I have mostly good memories from school. Not all roses, but nothing really bad - and I was always able to stear clear of bullying. I also didn't get into fights after the age of 10 :) Kindergarten, on the other hand :ninja:
I wouldn't say my whole experience with school was bad. I had a good time through my years with some not so good bumps in the road. As for college, I wouldn't know anything about that life at all. I went right into the working force after I graduated.