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My evening consists of watching the VMA's (MTV Video Music Awards) just to rant about them later because I could careless about any of it and destroying crayons to make art.

Ladies and gentleman, the boredom that is my life on a Sunday night. :D
Here's the new Air Guitar World Champion.

I still can't make up my mind if this is awesome or embarrassing. Quite obviously the guy hasn't touched a guitar in his life.
That is no where near as embarrassing as watching Miley Cyrus on the VMA's tonight.... I'm still trying to process that one. Both on why I watched it and what the hell I was watching. o_O
Here's the new Air Guitar World Champion.

I still can't make up my mind if this is awesome or embarrassing. Quite obviously the guy hasn't touched a guitar in his life.
He has no shame and does not give a fuck. I can respect that.
Actually I guess my week really is ruined, because school starts tomorrow :(
That's what you get. You must now suffer the consequences. :p

The school thing does suck, though. But school life is cake compared to adult life.
We don't have any more public holidays before Christmas now. In fact, we have none between Whit Monday (or 17th of May, whichever comes later) and Christmas Day.
Off the top of my head, we have a day next week for Labor Day, some people get Columbus Day off in October, 2 days for Thanksgiving in November, then Christmas