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Very true. Half of Divine Wings is filler for me, whereas most of the Odyssey is fantastic. A lot of Symphony X fans hold DWOT in very high esteem, but they really have better albums. Honestly, I find Twilight in Olympus to be more consistent, though it lacks the punch of a 20 minute song.
Agreed, though after The Looking Glass it kinda goes downhill. Also, I remember reading somewhere that V was supposed to be the twenty minute song, but they decided to make it its own album.

I love everything they do on V. Absence of Light and Fool's Paradise are two of my favorite tracks on the whole album, which I understand is not an opinion shared by all. If V wasn't a concept album, I'd be annoyed by the segues and intros, but it definitely succeeds in capturing the mood and scope they were aiming for.
I think those songs are great out of context, but they kinda cause the album to get sidetracked.
Agreed, though after The Looking Glass it kinda goes downhill. Also, I remember reading somewhere that V was supposed to be the twenty minute song, but they decided to make it its own album.

I think The Hunter is awesome, and while The Relic is fun, it's pretty paint-by-numbers power/prog. Lady of the Snow is kind of a letdown, absolutely. I've heard that about V as well. If it's true, they really knocked it out of the park on that one!

I think those songs are great out of context, but they kinda cause the album to get sidetracked.

I think they're necessary, though. Without those two tracks, there wouldn't be an upbeat, heavy song on the album since Fallen. I guess Bird-Serpent War/Cataclysm is that, but I look at that song as an extended segue. Without Absence and Paradise, the end of the album would seem a little light, imo. They add a bit of power, the last burst cannon fire before the epic finale.
I think The Hunter is awesome, and while The Relic is fun, it's pretty paint-by-numbers power/prog. Lady of the Snow is kind of a letdown, absolutely. I've heard that about V as well. If it's true, they really knocked it out of the park on that one!
I don't really care for any of them. The Hunter is OK.

I think they're necessary, though. Without those two tracks, there wouldn't be an upbeat, heavy song on the album since Fallen. I guess Bird-Serpent War/Cataclysm is that, but I look at that song as an extended segue. Without Absence and Paradise, the end of the album would seem a little light, imo. They add a bit of power, the last burst cannon fire before the epic finale.
True, they're not bad, but I'd be lying if I said I haven't skipped them on occasion. Absence of Light does have a cool chorus.
Yeah. Those are the best happenings anyway. It doesn't even have to be on the weekend, I'm currently free on Tuesday and Wednesday nights.
WTF is wrong with this country

Arizona Cardinals season-ticket holder John Coulter wanted to take a picture while at Saturday’s Cowboys-Cardinals preseason game. The only problem? He had a beer in his hand.

We all know trying to get a good photo while holding a beverage can be tough to pull off. So he asked his 15-year-old son to hold his beer for a second while he snapped the shot.

Seems innocent enough, right?


A few minutes later Coulter and his son were escorted out of the stadium by two undercover officers with the Arizona Department of Liquor, who said what Coulter did was illegal.

USA TODAY Sports has the details:

“I thought it was a candid camera joke, I really did,” Coulter told USA TODAY Sports.

“We just watched the opening kickoff and I wanted to take a quick picture. I literally handed my son my cup and said hold my cup, I reached into my pocket, grabbed my cell phone, put it on camera mode and took a picture.”

That’s when the undercover officers approached Coulter and said he could be arrested.

“I normally would support the police if I heard a story like this,: he told USA TODAY Sports. “However in this case I was standing right there and I witnessed abuse and overzealous pursuing of the situation. It was totally uncalled for.”

An officer told USA TODAY Sports that Coulter was lucky he wasn’t arrested for having his son hold his beer.

“Providing alcohol to an underage person or an underage person in possession of alcohol is a Class 1 misdemeanor.” said Sgt. Wesley Kuhl of the Arizona Department of Liquor License and Control. “The consequences could be up to, and this is a maximum, of two years in jail, $2,500 fine and three years probation.”

Moral of the story: If you’re going to take a picture at an NFL game and you have a beer in your hand put that beer by your feet and then snap away. Or give it to someone over 21. Whatever you do, don’t give it to your 15-year-old son or you could find yourself heading home a little early​
That's messed up.... It's not like he was giving it to the kid to drink! And the kid is old enough to know better. I really hate how dumb this country can be...which is most of the time.
Even if he was going to give his own child a beer (which he was not) two years in jail, $2,500 fine and three years probation is real harsh. I guess that is what happens when a government thinks it can better raise kids than their parents.
Here is a long story about why Wasted is pissed and almost walked out of his job.

Remote location, user calls yesterday, PC won't boot. Wasted drives over, takes over temp PC, finds out that the OS was borked because of a power surge during user login. Piece of cake "I'll take it back and see what I can salvage."

Today, phone call from user "hey, all my documents are missing." -me" yep, I am working on getting them off the broken PC. You should always make sure that you save your stuff to the network instead of the local PC, because the network gets backed up."

User's boss "hey, wait, that stuff isn't backed up?"
Wasted: "no, we don't back up personal computers, only the network drives"
UB: "That's a half million in revenue there and you don't know if you get it?!"
W: "half million or two million, I'll try my best, if the data is there, i'll get it, if its gone, I can't" (yeah, shouldn't have said the 2million part)
--phone call ends--
*Wasted is copying all the info off the hard drive after getting it mounted*
UB new phone call: "whose responsibility is it for us to have this backed up, who told us that?"
W: "IT policy is that we don't back up personal computers, and we always state that."
UB: "I can't believe you told me that-- can you look me in the eye and say that you told me that and that I agreed with that?"
W: "I can't tell you exactly what was said 3 years ago, but I can state that our standard statement is that your computer isn't backed up and only the network is backed up"

----after this, it devolves into Wasted is a bad stupid, no customer service, flippant shitty IT guy and not doing job correctly (all while I'm copying all his info onto the network for access). Finally UB indicates he will try to get Wasted fired if "correct apology isn't given in 20 seconds" (verbatim statement). Wasted apologizes for not telling User's Boss of the gravity of the back up situation and is very eloquent.

I'll admit, It was a toss up between that apology and hanging up the phone and walking out the door right that second. Fuck that fucking fucker.

I called my bosses boss and recanted the story, said I probably could have said a few things better, but that babysitting isn't in my job description and being berated on the phone for a user being a stupid fuck isn't either. Bosses boss was very understanding.

Today, I fucking hate my job.
Indeed. I mean, I get it, I am usually a pretty good 'customer' type of guy, I honestly am not sure what I said to make him think I was flippant... I'm certain that I shouldn't have indicated that it didn't matter what the revenue was I'd try-- in my head, I was indicating that even if revenue was $50 I'd try to salvage data, but $2million wouldn't make the data any safer...

He didn't like that I stated it was his responsibility to save the data to the correct location.. but I really don't think I should be going around every 6 months to make sure people are doing it right... meh.