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Here is a long story about why Wasted is pissed and almost walked out of his job.

What a stupid customer. At my workplace, we are told very clearly that only data stored on the network folders are backed up automatically. If we have data stored locally, we must back them up ourselves. Which I do regularly, of course :)
I would have told UB to go for it. Is UB your direct supervisor? I'm guessing the answer is no. Did UB agree to store his shit to the network drive? Or did IT just say "this is the fucking policy, put your shit on the network drive?". He's being a fucking idiot.
When you work in a service business - be it in IT, engineering or anywhere else - you must master the art of doublethink. You must realize that the customers don't have a clue, and accept that they are, by default, right - nevertheless. Making a customer accept your point of view while he still thinks he's right is a skill I won't claim that I possess. Those who do possess it are really valuable to their companies.
I would have told UB to go for it. Is UB your direct supervisor? I'm guessing the answer is no. Did UB agree to store his shit to the network drive? Or did IT just say "this is the fucking policy, put your shit on the network drive?". He's being a fucking idiot.

UB is nowhere in my chain of command. I go from Supervisor to CFO to Head of Company (board of directors). UB is an insurance salesman. And a fucker.

He states that we NEVER told him to store to a network drive, that we didn't define what a network drive was, and that we never told him his stuff on the local drive wasn't backed up and that we are shitty. OK, he didn't say shitty, but insinuated it. He is, of course, wrong. However, I ate ego, said what he wanted to hear, then reported up the ladder to let someone else take care of it. My two immediate supervisors were gone today, so I had to deal with it. Meh.

Now, i'm driving over to show them what their network drive is. Cus they are fucking incompetent.
You definitely need to get your boss to agree that they are the fucknozzles, then you just tell them off. Show them how to do it, give them the steps, then say, don't fuck up again, asshole.
Because let's be clear - if you have a half million dollars worth of info on a local, unbacked up drive when a perfectly good, likely RAID-supported network drive is available, YOU ARE A FUCKING IDIOT.
People are just stupid. How can you have that kind of information and not verify it's backed up? He didn't even know where he thot it was backed up to....
Bradley Chelsea Ru Paul Manning still had the guts to expose the governments lies& corruption. It's fucked up he's going to jail. But the average American needs people like him to help them wake up from the matrix.