Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Makes me think of Black Dynamite.

"I ain't no snitch. Now I've got to go back to the streets from whence I came from, sucker."
I've been thinking of taking up a jive class at the local community college. This inspires me to really think hard about it.
I just gave up the chance to meet two Dream Theater members and prelisten to select tracks off their upcoming release tomorrow, for a chance at a gig at a PA/light/event/etcetera firm. Introduction day tomorrow instead (maybe. If I get security clearance to enter the client premises. Will find out tomorrow morning if I gave it up in vain or not, because if the clearance hasn't gotten through tomorrow, then the introduction will be postponed and I'll be sitting at home, damning my luck). If it all plays out then the low-paid introduction will last a month, and then I'll go up in hours and pay and eventually get a full time employment.
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I hear that ;) Just wait til you have to be the adult FOR the impulsive teen(s)!
Sounds like a ball! :D

I have my parenting ideals all lined up, and I feel quite strongly about the way some people raise their kids. It will be interesting, if reality will meet with the ideals or not... Because obviously, reality is nuanced, while parenting ideals often are not.