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I don't think I've posted in this thread in a couple days. Or maybe I have. Either way, :hello:
What the fuck. Researching Japanese war criminals and finding that the Dutch arrested one guy, had a trial in a closed room where the accused was not allowed to speak in his defense, then executed him by gutshot.

By gutshot. WTF.
I'm sure you'll have already considered it but... there's no chance that could be a typo and meant to be gunshot?

More importantly however - why bother with the trial if he couldn't defend himself and they were going to execute him anyway.
No, it was described in great detail. I guess it was a show trial for the guy. Some historians suggest there was little-to-no actual evidence linking him to war crimes
Amen! :)

I was floating around the interwebs today and something inside my head said "Van Halen". So, I'm listening to the VH albums I have today.

Honestly, not a bad way to start the morning.

I must admit, I think I'm spoiled. Where I work, just behind the building is the parking area. The parking area, literally, ends at the river. Every morning and every evening, I get to look at the Mississippi river. Today, Its just freaking awesome. Sunny, no breeze, just the right temp, I could take my laptop and cell phone to the park bench under the tree and work all day :) ...someone would find me, tho...
Hm. From my office, all I can see is the coffee bar on the ground floor, as well as other offices and meeting rooms. Those on the other side of the corridor have a beautiful view ... to the parking lot and a railway.