Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I like the new mobile aspect of it as well. It's nice not having to keep scrolling over and back and all over just to look at the forum. Everything is just on one neat screen.
The mobile version is very good for searching the forums and reading but for some reason I can't post replies on it.
I use a tablet a lot of the time, and it is very good for reading, but posting has always been trickier to do, nothing's changed there. The page scrolls up when I start to type, and I can't see what I'm writing.
Here's something I've been losing sleep over:

On his return to England, did Bruce ever go to the hearing doctor and tell him that Long Beach Arena fucked up his hearing for good?
Here's something I've been losing sleep over:

On his return to England, did Bruce ever go to the hearing doctor and tell him that Long Beach Arena fucked up his hearing for good?

If it was fucked up for good, what is the point.
I said FTW today and took the day off! I'm doing absolutely nothing! Reading the forum on my phone is as close as I'm getting to a computer today :)
Sounds like a good Thursday. :)

Mine seems to be a bit busy but it makes the day go faster and the faster the day is done, the faster I get to Chinese food dinner. :D
So, how were the London gigs?

Good, thanks. No sound issues for me. ;)
On Saturday I went with my little brother, his first Maiden gig; we were down the front in the hurly burly. Sunday was a bit more relaxed. Met up with Albie, which is always nice, regaling us with stories of the early days again.

But that's it over with for another year or two.
I will make sure i get to one in a couple of years. I have told my wife. I am running out of time. There will not be many more left. I am in my thirties. Been a fan for as long as i can remember. Never watched them in the flesh. That will change.