Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

What did Kate say her job was? Actually, does she even have one?

I'm watching highlights of the Belladrum festival near Inverness at the moment. It looks like quite a fun, chilled out festival and I'd quite like to go even though the music isn't great. The atmosphere seems a lot more relaxed than the intense drink-as-much-as-you-can atmosphere at Download festival (I'm looking at you national acrobat!).

Are you? Come over and say hello.
Good morning world!
I had a tick (the bug that holds onto you and gets fat from your blood) on my butt for a week. I'm not vaccined against'em.
:eek: That's awful! I hate ticks. I don't think you can get vaccines against them though...unless I'm missing something. I would just keep watch of the bite.
Stupid drug laws

parents wait until their daughter is asleep to smoke a little pot. parents are busted and forced to give up child to a foster home. after pleading for two months to get their daughter out of a dangerous foster home, the foster mom murdered the little girl.


BW --- have fun .. though I cannot imagine how you cannot have fun at a Maiden show

ticks can mean Lyme and other diseases. I would get checked out
Yesterday turned out to be quite a lucky day for me:

QPR won (a very rare occurence)
I won an accumulator (even rarer)
Iron Maiden
I found a pound on the floor

On the downside, my shoe lace came undone at one point.

Off for another dose of Maiden in a few hours, via a few pints wiv me old mucker Albie.