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Actually, the number one meaning that would come to mind to every German would be "top hat".
That is the word .. I am not seeing how that would be used very often.

The example sentence is
Der Gentleman hat seine Handschuhe und seinen Zylinder ausgezogen.

That is semi useful as I can see taking off gloves as being something people would say.
I don't know, I would consider it an every-day word, even if I can't think of a common occasion where it's being used. It's just one of those words that pops up every once in a while and everybody would make fun of you for not knowing it.
It's really an odd thing with words. For instance, I don't think everybody would have a word such as "Standventilator" in their vocabulary, but you'd know right away what it is if somebody mentions it.
I guess thinking of top hat, my main use might be singing along to Sharp Dressed Man ... but the song would make less sense if I did not know the word.
So, I have a minor confession to make: I've been following the coverage of Prince George's birth pretty closely. Not the birth itself, but the coverage. It is interesting to watch the news create a thousand pointless narratives over a little wee child who's only accomplishment so far is to eat, cry, and shit. Modern historiography!
This should have been a side benefit ... we fought a revolution from King George .. now it is "all hail future King George"!
Hmm. Well lets see the latest news about little baby Prince George... Well apparently his birth is now dubbed 'official' today and Kate used her Princess title on the registry.
I found it interesting that they listed William's job as Prince of the UK rather than Pilot, Royal Air Force.
Work week over! Next week will be kinda short, I am doing a community service day Thursday. My employer gives everyone 5 paid days off a year to go work for local charities
It is nice, I think about 500 people qualify to do this .. .so if everyone puts in 40 hours a year (and most people do it), that is a lot of free labor for some worthy organizations (Food Bank, a Women's Shelter, Ronald McDonald House, Habitat for Humanity, etc)