Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I like places like that, my wife and I generally try to stay away from large crowds (with the exception of going to Disney, sporting events, and concerts). So we try to stay a bit off the beaten path or go during the off season to touristy places.
Sheesh. Slow day on the 100k thread. I leave for 12-18 hours and there are 4 pages to read.

You people need to learn how to moderate your posting. I'm bored at work and want to read something about what is going on NOT in Iowa and I get nothing. fine, I'll go read some news or something. Meh.

I'll give it a read this week sometime.

Two types of history that have been growing on me lately are alternate reality history. I used to not be a fan of it at all, but it can make you think about possibilities if certain events did not happen or happened in a different manner. I used to really frown on it, but I am seeing some value and it can be entertaining.

The other type is Memory History, I used to think that was a bit of a crock, but I read a book on Vichy France that was presented in that manner and I see value in that for certain topics ... and Vichy France is probably the poster child for this.
Well, I've been writing alternate history - that's what I posted is. Memory history is pretty interesting, but I agree, only in certain situations.
Yeah, I know .. I read the first paragraph... mainly commenting that 2 or 3 years ago I would not have had any interest.
I've started to enjoy alternate history. I liked Eric Flint's 1632 and 1812 books/series. Granting that the 1632 series has gotten a little out of control for me to follow anymore.
He writes sci-fi mixed with alt history, right? I've read one of his books well in the past and wasn't taken with it.
Well...yeah, kinda. 1632 starts out with a 'sci-fi' event, but the rest of it goes from there-- an early 2000's era town from West Virginia gets sent back to 1632 Germany and alters the course of history. That one is kinda right in your face.

1812 is much better, because he takes one small event and changes it slightly to make history change course. Its far more 'real' because there is no sci-fi to make the change. I think you'd appreciate the way it unfolds more than his other works.