This might be of moderate interest ... I was in Astoria, OR earlier today. Interesting history of the town, at one point is was somewhat divided into 3 sections, Finns to the south... there is still a Suomi Hall there and a Finnish Brotherhood building. A Swedish section in the middle of town .. I did not see anything Swedish there, and Norwegian in the north part of town. There was a Sons of Norway section there.
There was apparently a large emigration to the Pacific Northwest from these 3 countries in the 1880s.
It is interesting to see European Enclaves in the US. There are massive Polish sections in Chicago, going through Texas, you run into German towns, some of which have street and business signs in German, the town of West, TX which was in the news for the explosion is a Czech town .. the have a Czech-fest every year. I have stopped there a few times (it is on the road from Dallas to San Antonio/Austin) and eat at a Czech eatery and a bakery .. it is a nice little town.