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Plenty of small pot plantations in the backwoods and farming areas around here.
As easy for teens to get as beer.
Legal now in Washington, pretty sure it's been decriminalized in Alaska for ages.
Probably wont be long here.
You miss the point. No one minds that a magazine writes an article about this guy, or that it uses a wire photo with the article. The point is, the turds at Rolling Stone picked a really good photo and put it on the cover, because he's young and (I'm told) good-looking, and they want to sell magazines. It's despicable.
Yeah, and Lewinski sucking Clintons dick was despicable.
These days there are more harmful matters going on: Stand Your Ground, weapon possession, capital punishment, obesity.
The turds at Rolling Stone picked a really good photo and put it on the cover, because he's young and (I'm told) good-looking, and they want to sell magazines. It's despicable.
No use for RS, but how do you know that's their sole motivation?
Shouldnt journalism be challenging our preconceptions? I mean people expect the guy to look like Khomeini.
He doesn't. So they should play that down?
Packing for England. The long-term forecast is very promising. Seems like shorts and sunscreen is going to be more necessary than rainwear for once :D
Nice drug subject you have here. I only smoke pot, I don't like drinking, maybe a couple of beers once in a while. Would try acid, but not anything more serious. I spent tonight with some very interesting, "different" people. One of them was a very good acoustic guitar player but it seemed that his bake-and-drink-all-day-every-day routine had completely destroyed his mind. Great musician, quite the opposite as a person (for me). What makes me anxious is that among today's youngsters, there are very many people like that. Maybe I'm the weird one.
Hm. I have never tried other stuff than caffeine and alcohol, but I've received morphine for pain relief once. That feeling was of the kind that makes me understand why people like it when they're introduced to heroin.
Another glorious early morning on Vancouver Island.
We've had about a month-long string of sunshine and temperatures of around 25 C. Perfect for me.
Packing for England. The long-term forecast is very promising. Seems like shorts and sunscreen is going to be more necessary than rainwear for once :D

I live fairly near Gloucester, and the weather is indeed unusually pleasant. Non-stop sun and a perhaps-slightly-too-hot temperature for almost a week now.
It's about 27 C. here, probably the hottest day so far this year, and they've decided to shut the outdoor pool for maintenance. Damn!