Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Constant problems, mainly because of people who don't know how to take others into consideration. And when I've had a million small things pile up on each other, I just lose the last bit of motivation to go to school.
Daÿs off are good, if you feel too bad to go, then don't.Also, If you need to talk about your problems, I'm sure everyone here would be fine with it, we're a cool bunch.

Psssst, Mosh, the main riff of Megabyzus the Mad is nice!
Thank you good sir! One year later and I think it still holds up, The Plan are certainly my favorite of the "one hit wonders".
I am a couple of hours away from a not very comfortable hospital visit. Since October I have pains in my belly when eating (mostly sweet foods). I started with medication, it became less, and then I hoped it would go away.
It didn't. So, now they'll use a small tube, go in my mouth, throat, stomach and even a bit further. Often, something like this takes 5-10 minutes.

But jikes, I am bit nervous for the research itself and the outcome. Just when I need to relax as much as possible. :/
Thanks for the support, Loosey and Ariana. A report:

It felt terrible. Especially a very nasty feeling in my throat (a combination of the feeling of choking and puking).

The outcome: both positive and negative. Positive:
At first sight, they found nothing in the stomach, esophagus and duodenum (they took some pieces of stomach to research more).

Negative: I still don't know what the pain causes. The pain is bit more on the right side so I am more thinking of liver or some other organ. It probably has to do with strain/stress and what happened last Autumn. Will speak with my house doctor about it.
Thanks for the support, Loosey and Ariana. A report:

Negative: I still don't know what the pain causes. The pain is bit more on the right side so I am more thinking of liver or some other organ. It probably has to do with strain/stress and what happened last Autumn. Will speak with my house doctor about it.

Reminds me a little of an issue I had a few years back, except the pain was not triggered by food, sweet or otherwise.
They originally treated me for ulcers, but it turned out it was my gall bladder. They took it out, issue gone.
I wish you the best of luck, Forostar. A while back, I had appendicitis, as I also talked about it on this forum. I very highly doubt that you have the same thing because it usually takes place in a short period of time, but you have endured the pain for a longer period already. Appendicitis is also on the right side though, and quite low in the stomach. Can't say anything about other stomach diseases, but I hope it's nothing too bad!
Maybe you should have other organs checked too, Foro. Anyway, I'm glad there's nothing wrong with you.

On another note, its currently 28 degrees here. Time for summer outfits.
Hope they find out what it is soon and treat it, Foro.

Ariana - how warm?!

I bought myself a new mouse today. The only one I could find in town has a USB cable that's probably too short for my computer desk at home, and - best of all - a light-up base that changes colour.
Sorry to hear that Foro, hopefully everything turns out good.

I really could use a three-button mouse but other than ergonomic mouses that cost over 100€ they're not being made anymore. Really would make using Plan 9 applications so much nicer.
Cheers guys. The feeling is in a higher spot in the belly (not far from where the ribs start).
Gall bladder is next to the liver, near the rib cage, a little right of centre.
I had stretches of discomfort, but also a couple bouts of intense pain, presumably while passing a gall stone.
I hope everything goes well for you Foro. I can't really put my finger on the matter, but I hope nothing wrong happens.

Well I'm back in social media, just created a new account on Twitter. I don't know anybody, nobody knows me, what the hell am I doing there, I have no idea.