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Saap, I hope you have someone to talk about these problems. Feel free to reach out via pm if you want to share what's going on.

Thanks a lot, this is what I appreciate. I do have one person but I can talk to her twice a week, at best. At least it's something.


Death is a superb band, my favourite Death Metal ever, and I like Schuldiner's voice. The band has tons of great discography, I think my favourite songs were Crystal Mountain and The Philosopher, when I listened to them more often. Their cover of Painkiller is strong but I definitely prefer the original's solos.

Perfect progressive stuff.
I think Chuck's vocals are okay. I don't particularly care about them but they're not as bad as to the point where they'd make the music impossible to enjoy. This is coming from a guy who doesn't like harsh vocals (well, except for Mikael Akerfeldt's).
Symbolic is probably my favorite with Human not far behind! Definitely also one of my, not just Death Metal band, but favorite bands of all time.

On their later albums they weren't really Death Metal anymore actually. You have to go back to Scream Bloody Gore, Leprosy etc for that to be a fitting label. On the later albums they were just...their own style of Metal. kick-ass Metal is a fitting name :D
Just random little bits and pieces of the day that tie together to start making a nice irritation bow. :p But really, its some work stuff and traffic on my lunch break. Things here and there and this is why it's slowly becoming this sort of day. It might turn around and become good. Who knows. :)
Scream Bloody Gore is the only Death album I don't like. Zombie Ritual is awesome but the other songs all seem the same to me.

My biggest gripe with those early albums is the production. Leprosy is listenable but Scream Bloody Gore isn't exactly pretty to listen to. Which is why I like that they're in the process of remastering their entire catalog. I recently got the Spiritual Healing remastered edition and its much, much better. Everything is audible and clear, you can actually distinguish every little detail now - I hope Scream Bloody Gore and Leprosy will get the same treatment.
My biggest gripe with those early albums is the production. Leprosy is listenable but Scream Bloody Gore isn't exactly pretty to listen to. Which is why I like that they're in the process of remastering their entire catalog. I recently got the Spiritual Healing remastered edition and its much, much better. Everything is audible and clear, you can actually distinguish every little detail now - I hope Scream Bloody Gore and Leprosy will get the same treatment.

I like Leprosy (haven't heard in ages though) but I agree, Scream Bloody Gore suffers from TERRIBLE production.
I went to the circus for the first time in my life tonight. I thought I hated circus and I thought clowns were boring at best (creepy in the worst case scenario. It, anyone?) It turned out I had great fun, I laughed my ass off and I was genuinely awed by some of the things I saw.