Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Glad you're ok Foro.

Never had a use for twitter, anything interesting posted on there will be all over the Internet in a matter of minutes anyway. Facebbok is good to keep in touch with friends, so I use that.
Ugh. I just loooove getting stuck on the phone with a jerk customer for 20 minutes, 10 minutes before I have to leave work and in the end, the customer was wrong in the first place so it was a 20 minutes waste of my time. The customer apologized but his apology does not justify my unhappiness after the call.

Well, all that matters now is that I'm home finally and making some dinner. :D
That's a pain. We get a rush of phone calls at about 5pm on a Friday for some reason, and it's never anything straightforward