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Thanking someone for being friendly is a new one on me. Helpfulness yes, but friendliness, no.
There are men in tuxedos out in the street here, giving out flowers and carrying out random acts of chivalry in celebration of St George's Day. I might go and thank them for their friendliness
I actually get today's occurrence. I had a phone call related to a late delivery, and I had every reason to be pissed off, given that I'd already paid two instalments, so there was very obviously something the company fucked up. But even when it comes to complaints, I have found friendliness to be the best way to go about it, because the people you get to talk to about it usually don't carry any responsibility. It's no use shouting at some guy in a call centre, who is most likely a philosophy graduate with a minimum wage job he hates, and he gets that every day. So it seemed the guy I had on the phone was actually relieved to have a disgruntled but polite customer, and I'm sure he would not have been as helpful as he was had I been rude... still, saying "thank you for the friendly conversation" sounds odd to me.

But the other day in the museum... I had a gentleman I guided who said "thank you for your friendliness" at the end... I guess that was his way of cheating me out of the tip. ;)
I'm on board with that!

NP: Holy Diver

Edit: iTunes is trying to piss me off... I'll play when it starts back up again.
Before playing basketball last night, I listened to Lock Up The Wolves. A good little underrated album from RJD, though the title track is a little ponderous. "Night Music" and "Twisted" are pretty good tracks. Production/mastering sounds really good too.
Yeah, now I'm feeling pretty good!
Dio is a universal cure!

I'm easily influenced. Today will be a Dio day.

By the way, did anyone participate in Record Store Day last weekend?
I missed out on that. I have an actual record store about 2 blocks from my work, and I go there every few months to look through the traded in vinyl.

NP: Rainbow In The Dark.
Don't like these vocals either. Can't stand those doubling effects on vocals. Without these also not to fine for my ears. Too bad really. The music is interesting.
You mean Control Denied now? Yeah I thought it would be more you. As far as I know this was Chucks attempt to have a go at a more European style of metal. A lot more emphasis on melody.