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It's been a beautiful day here, been out running and hiking. Now I'm back inside chilling.

I guess with spring and summer the activity level here naturally drops a bit? ;)
My family went to our first lesbian wedding last summer. Was curious to see how my kids reacted.
What was cool was that it was just another wedding for them (well, more fun than some, but not "Ohmigod! A gay wedding!" In the slightest) - exactly the way it should be.
I really think their generation has a much healthier attitude than my peers did. Gives me hope for the future.
I just came up with a joke completely by accident but it's ignorant so I'm not going to tell it.

Edit: And oh, if you think this is completely off topic, then nah, it came to mind when reading mckindog's post.
I just came up with a joke completely by accident but it's ignorant so I'm not going to tell it.

According to my observations on the train today, today's kids have upgraded "rock, paper, scissors" to include light sabers.