Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

It's standard breaking news media speculation. Report on any rumour until it's been ruled out. Yahoo UK recently claimed there were reports coming in of 12 deaths, then changed it quickly
Well, all the news networks are bias either to the left or the right. If I had the money and resources, I would start a competing network and have it be as much in the middle as possible.
3 dead. One of them would be an 8 year old boy (according to a state law enforcement source).
And more than 100 wounded.

Glad your friends are OK, mckindog & Brig.
Nasty events for sure.

I heard when someone said to me "A bomb's gone off in America", of course my first thought was "Holy shit.. Korea wasn't bluffing...", I am very thankful that that was not the case but it does not change the affect the event has had on those involved/close, simply horrific.
Wow horrible news. Definitely sounds like a terrorist attack and it would be foolish (and I would even say dangerous) to expect a war out of it.

That said, I'm glad your friends are ok, Brigantium and Mckindog.
Well guys, I'm off to Cleveland. You'll probably see me pop on here and there but I'll be gone most of the time. Hope everyone has a great next two days! See you all Thursday. :)
Well that's not good :(

I'm trying to find out about a robbery down my street yesterday, and sort out my heating, which isn't working
Wow horrible news. Definitely sounds like a terrorist attack and it would be foolish (and I would even say dangerous) to expect a war out of it.

I feel uncomfortable so I'll set things straight for a last time : I'm not a conspiracy theorist nor do I believe in what they say. Just felt like sharing them. Sorry if I put it badly, seeing how I ended the post with an unrelated opinion, it's no surprise that misunderstandings saw light.

Sorry but I just want to make sure nobody gets me wrong.


I recently started getting into First Person Shooter video games, hopefully I won't be addicted to them but they're really fun. Wondering why I've never given them a chance.
I recently started getting into First Person Shooter video games, hopefully I won't be addicted to them but they're really fun. Wondering why I've never given them a chance.

Don't care for the very modern ones, Counter-Strike 1.6 (Half-Life too, naturally) is the only FPS I'm interested in. Many people fail to see the physics and "hidden aspects" of the game that make it stand out among others.