Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Cardinals were my favorite to win it all from get go and they didn't disappoint. Although I didn't see Wolverines going as far as they did. Props to Trey Burke and season's late bloomer Mitch McGary.
Oh my god. Landlord has served me two months notice, I have to get out. I can't possibly afford another house anywhere near my workplace
Thanks. It's a huge shock, although I knew he was up to something. He hated it when I took him to task for entering the flat without my permission
I just a bought a first digital album in my life. I wanted to test PayPal, which started working in Serbia last night, finally. It's Sons Of Liberty - Spirit Of The Times EP. Since it's not available as a physical release and leaks were all low quality.
Wow, that's awful news, Brigantium. You seem to have had a lot of trouble with your landlord, I can only hope you'll find something better now.
Seconded. I wish you good luck in the search, Brigantium. What a bastard. If I were you I'd spread the news about him. An article in the local press or something. People should be warned against such a madman.
Brigantium, I hope you have luck finding a new place! Look at it like a blessing in disguise...

IN other news, I hate programs that REQUIRE IE to run. I have 3 of them over 3 of my companies and IE is pissing me off to no end right now.

I want alcohol and it's only 10:30 am.
Thanks all :) As luck would have it, a flat has come up very close to my office. Nice location, although slightly expensive, although at least I wont pay for travel any more. I'm off to see it on Friday.

Forostar - I am the local press, I think the article might be classed as malicious!
Yes, I second everything that's been said so far. Good luck with everything Brigantium and don't sweat it :) I think you'll be happy with this change in the end!