Ancient Mariner
Perun, who the hell do you think you are? The Bornless One?
No that's me

Perun, who the hell do you think you are? The Bornless One?
No that's me![]()
Can anyone here solve this? White to play first and checkmate in three moves.
I have nearly given it up. I can find checkmates in 4 moves, but not in three.
Let's play this. Queen to C3.
Edit: Forget what I said
I've moved out to go back to university in September and both times I've been back home since then it's been weird. Once I finish this Masters in September I'd like to get my own money for a change then look at moving out again. I lived at home for 22 and a half years and after a few months away from home I realized when I came back that I prefer being away.... Living back home with the parents again isn't a cakewalk. Ugh, can't wait to have our own place again.
That's done the job! Now 3. Qb4 is checkmate no matter what Black does in the meantime.
But what if Black hadn't taken that Knight in his first move? What if he instead had played Rxf6?
OK, let's do Qxc5 instead.