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There was absolutely no reason for The Angel and the Gambler to be almost 10 minutes long though. The single/music video edit cuts everything down to 4 minutes and you don't miss anything at all. Should have put the 4 minute version on the album.
I prefer the album version.
I prefer the album version.


The 4 minute version rules.
I like Virtual. The songs are good, just overly long in some cases and have some really dull productions/performances. All those songs are far superior live.
Angel would be great if it was 6 minutes shorter. There's much worse on other albums. My least favorite song would be Chains of Misery or Weekend Warrior maybe.
I think it's that the winter was so mild until the past month and a half. Then BAM! It's all the winter in from the last 4 months mashed into a few weeks... And I am really missing green grass and leaves... Meh. It will be here in a few weeks, then I'm sure I'll be complaining about mowing grass!! :)
The vernal equinox? That was Wednesday - then it snowed here too. The great thing about it is that in the places where I don't like it, it has already melted. In the hills and woods, it has done nothing but improve the skiing conditions. Perfect.
Metal Church's Blessing in Disguise has to be one of the greatest albums of the late 80's.