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Since everyone here is so (and might I add, awesomely) big fans of TMNT, couldn't we get these smileys on the board?

Yeah I know right. I'd totally drop a Michelangelo smiley into a food or beverage discussion or maybe add a Donatello if someone fixed something or said something technically smart. Raphael if you show too much attitude and they'd get a Leonardo if they had shown the way with some new thinking and insights :p
I watched the original series and i'm pretty sure i saw the first two movies at theaters. I remember playing their Game Boy game many times too.

Funny thing, they were at their peak by the time i started to eat pizzas.
In the UK (and maybe other places) they wouldn't let them use the term 'ninja' because it was violent. That's why a lot of the old stuff says 'hero' instead.
There's this FPS game Shadow Warrior that's really gory, you could slice enemies with a katana and shoot tactical nukes. It also had shurikens, but they were changed to darts for the EU release because that's ninja stuff, that's over the line.
TMNT was the first film I saw in theatres. It blew my mind to see my cartoon pals on the big screen. It's still a favourite.
In the UK (and maybe other places) they wouldn't let them use the term 'ninja' because it was violent. That's why a lot of the old stuff says 'hero' instead.
They skipped the mutant part here. Apparently, they found the ninja part perfectly fine.
Hey jetzt komm' die Hero-Turtles, superstarke Hero-Turtles, jeder kennt die Hero-Turtles...

Haven't heard that song in about 15 years, and still remember the words...