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One summer, there was a farmer who invited a hunter to come and shoot crows around his corn (maize) field. The hunter said he whould come every day that summer. He told the farmer that he would turn up every morning, either eight sharp, or 8:20.

After a week, the farmer had noticed that some days the hunter would have his shotgun on the right shoulder, but other days on the left. He asked the hunter about this:

- I see that you shoot equally well from both shoulders. But how do you decide which one you're going to shoot from that day?
The hunter answered:
- When I get up in the morning, I look at my wife. If she lies on her left side, I shoot from the left shoulder and vice versa.
- But what if she lies on her back?
- That's the days when I turn up at 8:20!
The old films were cheesy as hell, but in a good way. It feels so weird to say that a bit of film with Vanilla Ice was the best bit >.> But it's true lol.

The Animated film they did in 2007 wasn't that bad either, and TMNT's best feature was ofc the inclusion of ZZ Top :P
I used to watch the first two all the time. The new one was decent.
I remember minor controversy about the Turtles cartoon at one time. Someone said it was too violent so they changed the name from ninja to hero.
In the UK (and maybe other places) they wouldn't let them use the term 'ninja' because it was violent. That's why a lot of the old stuff says 'hero' instead.
Yea, I think it always looked tame. Probably just a case of a bunch of people getting offended easily.
I dunno, todays kids TV involves things like TellyTubbies.. in comparison, TMNT IS pretty violent.

Kids TV seems to be extremely softer now, but escalates very quickly as the older they get the content of the media they see is far more violent than it once was.
Well there are still plenty of action cartoons that are like TMNT. In fact, there is a new version of TMNT that is far more violent. Tellytubbies is a bad comparison because that show appeals to a different demographic.

Also, remember, people said the name was violent, nothing was said of the content itself.