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Yeah, the "unsightly hunchbacked leper queer" is a very popular one. But luckily, our language gives you a lot of freedom to make a curse out of practically everything.
I really admire the Serbs, though, I've said that before. Creativity, eloquence, wit. When I grow up I want to curse like them.
Yeah, the "unsightly hunchbacked leper queer"

That one cracked me up. I also liked "You're as ugly as a salad". Completely random, but makes sense if you think about it. It also sounds like something from Monkey Island, if I think about it.

As for the Serbs, I think I just need to utter half of one of their insults here to get arrested by the morality police.
The first time my sister went to Belgrade, she heard that one and came back home absolutely shocked. She said that even the Serbs found it outgareous.
Oh yeah. I first heard it in a reality show called The Farm (kinda like Big Brother, but on a farm :P). It was all over the news when one guy said it to another guy in the show. Later he got death threats and similar shit because of it when he got out.
What? So they were Teenage Ninja Turtles? I wonder if someone was offended by the 'mutant' part? :D

Teenage hum-hum Ninja Turtles!
About the curse issue, it's a shame that Turkish curses never get mentioned in these foreign articles simply because they're sometimes impossible to translate. Only the Serbian curses (this one included) hit me because they're as creative and weird as ours.

Here's rough translations of two curses I just used on the net today : "I fuck your daughter as prince charming while you're reading her Sleeping Beauty before bed." "I stick a roller up your pussy, roll you paperthin and jam my thickness as stuffing."

Both curses originally feature words with no translation in English language.

And as a more common curse example : "I pour yoğurt on your mother's pussy and fuck until it turns to ayran."
I had my hands on a black and white #1 issue of TMNT once. At the same time there became some other indie comics, I think one was the Ex-mutants, where they lived in a post apocalyptic age and were all mutated, but some 3 armed doctor turned them human again and sent them out to save the world.

also, I seem to recall something like 'post pubescent something beavers'??? Google is no help, cause it ends up at a bunch of porn sites... :/