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It's been a nightmare at work - they've been developing a new software that keeps crashing down. Because of that the normal publishing process has been very difficult lately. Today it crashed again but this time it was worse, so I lost several of my articles. They said they could recover them but that would take time and I have a deadline to meet. So I had to rewrite three of them in like half an hour. I got so stressed that I snapped at a friend of mine who kept bugging me on Skype even after I told her I was too busy. She won't speak to me now.
Some people ask to be reassured rather than hearing an actual opinion. And if the opinion doesn't match their expectations they will go out kicking and screaming.:p
Yes! This is exactly the case.

I'm sorry to hear you've had a bad day at work Ariana. :( I know all about new software and how shitty it is.. As for your friend, is there any other way to try and talk to her? She has to understand you weren't having the best of days.
It's been a nightmare at work - they've been developing a new software that keeps crashing down. Because of that the normal publishing process has been very difficult lately. Today it crashed again but this time it was worse, so I lost several of my articles. They said they could recover them but that would take time and I have a deadline to meet. So I had to rewrite three of them in like half an hour. I got so stressed that I snapped at a friend of mine who kept bugging me on Skype even after I told her I was too busy. She's won't speak to me now.

This sounds very familiar. Fiddling with IT is never good when the 'product' happens to be the written word, and stored electronically :rolleyes:
Hopefully she'll understand, high pressure job and all...
Thanks, guys. I feel much better now.

What really annoys me is the fact that they insisted we migrated to the new system, even though they knew is wasn't working properly. And the old one is still available.
Keep backup copies of your work, especially with unstable software. Does the program automatically write backups? If not, that's a good feature to request.
Clearly (temporary) local backups too would have been useful in this situation. Or are you on a thin client?
I want thin clients!! We've been talking about VDI, and I have a limited understanding of it... but with 15-ish locations, I'm thinking I'll have to have a terminal services server at each location to keep from having too much lag. Or a 100 Meg drop to each location :)