Dr. Eddies Wingman
Brighter than thousand_suns
I know he does, what I meant was Steve writes similar chord progressions in the same key signature all the time. Adrian at least has variations in the same key.
Seems like we have food for a research project here. The scope is easy to define - all Iron Maiden songs released on album - and for every single song, we know the main writer. We have people on the forum with knowledge of music theory, and we love Maiden's music enough to listen to it enough throughout such a project. For all I know, someone may already have done it.
Listen to every song, classify different sections of songs after key and chord progression. Also notice similarities between lead melodies. How is the ratio of "self-copied parts" to "total number of songs written" for the different band members? How often does 'Arry repeat a certain chord progression, compared to how often H or Bruce does the same?