Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Again I sit with my guitar to complete my first composition and come up with too many stuff and fail to arrange. I didn't believe when musicians said that coming up with melodies was the easy part, turns out they were right.

Hundreds of material and 0 songs. Drives me nuts.
Weird, I'm the opposite. It takes a bit of effort for me to come up with a good melody but once I have that I'm able to have the basis for an entire song within a couple days.
Cornfed: In hoc signo vici?

Zare: If Cicero wouldn't suck, why is he dead now?

And for all others: This should probably go to drunk posting, but whatever. This is the only thread here now anyway.

And I'll put it this way: I am completely sure that all American and Bulgarian ladies posting here are awesome. That's what my experience tells me anyway. Same goes for all Austrian/Swedish/Mexican girls (Natters, where are you?). Therefore, with great hesitation, I post the following conclusion of this evening.

Women. <_<


Persian women.
And I'll put it this way: I am completely sure that all American and Bulgarian ladies posting here are awesome. That's what my experience tells me anyway.
I'd say you're very correct with that statement. :D

I trust that your party went well? ....I hope?
In fact, that's just what I did. I played Seasons in the Abyss but ten minutes later I realised I was just tormenting myself and stopped it. But this is funny, isn't it? Every time a person feels others deserve to be punished, Slayer's the first thing that comes to mind.