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Again I sit with my guitar to complete my first composition and come up with too many stuff and fail to arrange. I didn't believe when musicians said that coming up with melodies was the easy part, turns out they were right.

Hundreds of material and 0 songs. Drives me nuts.
I have to leave now. The act of leaving breaks my heart, but the prospect of returning mends it and fills it with joy.


Sorry, the cheese-control was off. What I meant to say is, I wish you all a pleasant evening, and I hope you will enjoy your time as much as I will.
There's this weird thing I've been experiencing for many years now. From time to time (sometimes once many months, sometimes two nights in a row), at nights, when I try to sleep and close my eyes, I start seeing all kinds of different stuff. That stuff looks like endless shapes moving, like pure white mass moving around and coming closer to my eyes with each passing moment. It's really hard to describe but always, these seeings eventually get too intense and force me to open my eyes. Last night, this closing and opening of eyes was repeated very many times because as soon as I closed 'em, I felt light as a feather and outside of my physical body, didn't feel a thing.
I have to leave now. The act of leaving breaks my heart, but the prospect of returning mends it and fills it with joy.


Sorry, the cheese-control was off. What I meant to say is, I wish you all a pleasant evening, and I hope you will enjoy your time as much as I will.

Have a good evening, Cæsar.
There's this weird thing I've been experiencing for many years now. From time to time (sometimes once many months, sometimes two nights in a row), at nights, when I try to sleep and close my eyes, I start seeing all kinds of different stuff. That stuff looks like endless shapes moving, like pure white mass moving around and coming closer to my eyes with each passing moment. It's really hard to describe but always, these seeings eventually get too intense and force me to open my eyes. Last night, this closing and opening of eyes was repeated very many times because as soon as I closed 'em, I felt light as a feather and outside of my physical body, didn't feel a thing.

I'm not sure this matches the experiences you have, but you can still check this out:
I had an interesting experience in my sleep the last month. I saw the image of a penis being torn apart from the middle and blood gushing out from it over and over again. It repeated, repeated, repeated and repeated with only two seconds between every repetition. I also felt a smell of blood at the same time, I even checked my nose as if it was bleeding then checked my penis for the same thing. I was sleeping at first, then woke up but the same feeling continued. It was simply striking me and disturbing me for two hours. It's hard to describe it words, really.

Absolutely the most bizarre thing that ever happened to me.
I had an interesting experience in my sleep the last month. I saw the image of a penis being torn apart from the middle and blood gushing out from it over and over again. It repeated, repeated, repeated and repeated with only two seconds between every repetition. I also felt a smell of blood at the same time, I even checked my nose as if it was bleeding then checked my penis for the same thing. I was sleeping at first, then woke up but the same feeling continued. It was simply striking me and disturbing me for two hours. It's hard to describe it words, really.

Absolutely the most bizarre thing that ever happened to me.