Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Thanks a lot guys, you're all awesome ;) This is the first big loss for me, cause apart from few very distant relatives and friends nobody I knew closely ever died. So it's a bit hard to comprehend at the moment... :confused:
Foro, I had no idea your forum name came from Tolkein.
Yes sir. It's a region of the doomed island Numénor (story in Silmarillion). It doesn't get much attention in Tolkien works, but I liked that name. I have it since I became a member of the Iron Maiden newsgroup in 1998 (I've always seen this forum as its "sequel"-board)

(Of course, sometimes, I am also the star on the forum. ;) )
I haven't seen it on Youtube, but I was unlucky enough to hear it on the radio once. But I have seen the North Korean counterpart, though - Kim-Jong Style :D
I like Gangnam Style and perhaps I've contributed some to that view count myself. :p You should see the live versions of the song recorded in Korea, whether you like the song or not, it's amazing seeing 35k people singing along at the same time.