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The Sofians seem quite obsessed with the Alexander Nevsky cathedral. Although I have to admit that it looks pretty cool.
I wouldn't say obsessed. It just seems to be the first thing to come to mind, although if I had to choose, I'd go for a number of other places.

Meanwhile, since the world is obviously not going to end, it's about time we started getting ready for Christmas.
My grandma died this morning. She was really, really sick for the past 4 months. In the end, at least she'll find peace now after suffering so much...

So sorry for your loss NP. Thinking about the relationship I have with my grandma, it'll probably the first big loss I'll have in my life. She's 72 and still standing tall even with all the problems of this cruel world. May she live longer and longer.

Again sorry and may she rest in peace.


I wouldn't be mad if there actually was an apocalypse today. Not a cool day at all, I barely spoke all day.

Aaaand to nobody's surprise, I come home, have a huge argument with my mom, yell all over the place and storm off to my room. Just another day in the life of a 16 year old.

Edit : Well, it wasn't just another day. I felt awful, came back to apologise only to find out she was crying. How awful of me to make my mother cry, curse me.