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Do you have any traditions in your family for that evening?

Not just in my family but in the whole country Christmas Eve is actually more important than Christmas Day, or at least it's more laden with symbols and rituals. On Christmas Eve we only eat vegan food - beans, rice, vegetables, stuffed red peppers, etc. There must be an odd number of meals served, even numbers bring bad luck. There's a homemade bread with a coin inserted and every member of the family takes a piece. Whoever gets the coin inside their piece, will prosper the most in the following year. No one is allowed to leave the table until the last person has finished eating. After dinner, the table is not cleared but everything is left as it was until the morning because it is believed that at night the spirits of the deceased visit the house and have dinner.
Heh cool, what country are you from again?

The vegan food only is that something specific to your family or is that a common thing in your country? Here the Christmas dinner is usually centered around meat of some kind - roast pork or roast duck usually, brown and white potatoes, cabbage and gravy. The coin bread is similar to what we do for the dessert. For dessert we have a rice pudding that is cooled down then mixed with whip cream, vanilla and chopped almonds and served with warm cherry sauce. Then we hide a whole almond inside the bowl and whoever gets the whole almond receives a gift :) usually like a box of chocolates or some candy, but it could be anything. Cool thought about the spirits, I like that! Then you don't have to worry about dishes until the next day either haha.
I'm from Bulgaria.

Christmas Eve dinner is traditionally vegan for everyone. That's because of the period of fasting for 40 days before Christmas. Very few people do this these days, but the strictest fasting is supposed to happen on the day before Christmas and Christmas Eve, respectively. Then, on Christmas Day everyone pigs out on pork. :)
When I leave work today, I'm not back in until Jan. 2. :-)
Charity concert tonight, The Hobbit with the family tomorrow, two days with in-laws after that, then two days with my family - low key, relaxed, good food and drink. I'm definitely looking forward to it.
My grandma died this morning. She was really, really sick for the past 4 months. In the end, at least she'll find peace now after suffering so much...

Sorry to hear that ... The loss of my last living grandparent (my mother's father) 12 years ago was the first really big loss I had to endure and it took quite a long time for things to be normal afterwards.
I don't know, it's just how it is. By the time I get into changing room, I'm already furious.

I feel exactly the same. The only times when I feel comfortable about shopping clothes is when I know exactly what I want (e.g. a new pair of jeans or a new shirt).

It goes like this:

1. Find something which looks nice and find the correct size
2. Try it on to verify that it is actually the correct size
3. Pay, take the clothes and leave ASAP.
It goes like this:

1. Find something which looks nice and find the correct size
2. Try it on to verify that it is actually the correct size
3. Pay, take the clothes and leave ASAP.

My shopping doesn't go very different than that. It's just that I don't feel anxious about it, otherwise I'm not keen on trying on 18 different things.