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There you go. Loosey is our biggest expert on 20th century military history, and even he has no idea. All you ever get to hear is, "Central Powers was Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire", and then all you ever hear of is the Western Front. With the Second World War it's mostly reactions like, "oh they were in it too?"
No, but there are hints in his notes from the time that he wasn't exactly ashamed of it either. And you know what the worst thing is? I caught myself thinking that he looked pretty snappy in that uniform.
Nobody thought they were doing the wrong thing. I'm halfway through Shirer's Rise and Fall of the Third Reich and it gives an opinion that Germans felt they were getting their own back. There's shame and more to go around, but being duped by Hitler? He fooled Chamberlain and Daladier and Stalin, yes, but he fooled the German people most of all.

And those uniforms *were* snappy.
There you go. Loosey is our biggest expert on 20th century military history, and even he has no idea. All you ever get to hear is, "Central Powers was Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire", and then all you ever hear of is the Western Front. With the Second World War it's mostly reactions like, "oh they were in it too?"
I'm actually more familiar with Bulgaria in World War II, but still, not much. I am rectifying my lack of knowledge currently, however.
For the past few centuries Bulgaria has been a small and insignificant country, unfortunately. Getting smaller after each war it took part in.
In the middle ages it was the among, if not the biggest country in Eastern Europe.
Hugo Boss designs a hell of a uniform.

I guess what I mean is that Hitler had everyone in Germany believing that their war was righteous (not everyone. A good percentage of the population). They weren't true believers in the Nazi cause, but the German cause. As I know you feel, this is why nationalism is dangerous - because if your nationalism is blinding, a charismatic or powerful man can turn that patriotism into allegiance to an extremist view. Unless your grandfather was a card carrying Nazi, or a member of the SS, then he probably wouldn't have done anything horrible in his life save for the war. Save for Hitler.
I should get my privileges right. I know more about medieval Bulgaria than modern-day. I still don't know terribly much about it in medieval times, but at least I am sort of aware of its significance.

I'm actually more familiar with Bulgaria in World War II, but still, not much. I am rectifying my lack of knowledge currently, however.

Yeah, time to read some Wikipedia.
I guess what I mean is that Hitler had everyone in Germany believing that their war was righteous (not everyone. A good percentage of the population). They weren't true believers in the Nazi cause, but the German cause. As I know you feel, this is why nationalism is dangerous - because if your nationalism is blinding, a charismatic or powerful man can turn that patriotism into allegiance to an extremist view. Unless your grandfather was a card carrying Nazi, or a member of the SS, then he probably wouldn't have done anything horrible in his life save for the war. Save for Hitler.

True. Versailles didn't help establish peace in Europe. But they were starting to rectify that. Without Black October, it could all have worked. The Germans were starting to look at the dark sides of the war by that time.
Balkan League (consisted of Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece and Montenegro) defeated Ottoman Empire in First Balkan War, meaning a huge land loss for the Empire, including eastern thrace. Bulgaria wasn't satisfied with the division of Macedonia and Serbia refused to carry out the division with them, causing the Second Balkan War. In Second Balkan War Bulgaria faced their former allies plus an Ottoman Empire that wanted its territories back. Bulgaria lost, their plans were crushed, they were isolated. (no neighbour friends nor great power friends) But their strategical importance played a big role in their entrance to World War I. They were actually one of the better countries in the Central Powers in the war, but with Treaty of Neuilly they were forced to give up even more of their land (most importantly Western Thrace, it was given to Greece), reduce its army and pay reperations.

That's all I know about the situation in Bulgaria regarding World War I.
Black Friday, sorry. Got my colours mixed up. Red October, Black Friday.
yeah, that's what I thought. The Depression was what Hitler needed to come to power. But he was still rejected, constantly, by a majority of German voters. He just exploited Hindenburg, Papen, and the system.