Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

yeah, that's what I thought. The Depression was what Hitler needed to come to power. But he was still rejected, constantly, by a majority of German voters. He just exploited Hindenburg, Papen, and the system.

Yup. 56.1 % did not vote for Hitler in 1933.
Reve-fucking-lations. Yes, oh yes. Hell yes.

I'll drop my dime and agree with you. Now to hear it on my work pc.

PS-- I won an award today. It's kinda like being the 'most helpful, cheerful person' award for our company. I'm feeling slightly cocky at the moment.
PS-- I won an award today. It's kinda like being the 'most helpful, cheerful person' award for our company. I'm feeling slightly cocky at the moment.

You mean, like this guy?

Alright. Well, I don't think so (especially speaking WWII), but I can imagine that this is told or taught in Bulgary.
We lost territories of great importance (well, I guess each part of the country is of great importance) and the reparations we had to pay were larger than those after WWI. In addition, in a way we're still suffering the consequences of being USSR's best friend for half a century.
No, those countries all hated the USSR. From what I'm told, the only ones who actually liked them were Bulgaria, East Germany and Cuba.

And this one just cracks me up:

I'm just saying that it really looks like loving and hating the USSR didn't matter if you were in Eastern Europe, you got about the same shaft.
No, those countries all hated the USSR. From what I'm told, the only ones who actually liked them were Bulgaria, East Germany and Cuba.

That's exactly what I meant by USSR's best friend. The Communist regime was much more lenient in other Balkan countries. I can't be certain about the situation outside the Balkans, though.
We used to say "In Communism, we're all equal, but some people are more equal than others", if you know what I mean. ;)
So, I think I'll leave you, with your bishops and your guilt, so until the next time, have a good sin!

In other words, bon week-end!