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Oh, come on! Britney Spears' songs stay with you whether you want this or not. Yes, they are catchy. Are they good musically?
Hm, I gotta side with Foro on this one. There are songs that are catchy but bland, i.e. they do "catch" you, but you forget about them soon after. And there are songs that are catchy and stay with you for a long time. The latter must have some sort of quality to them if they work that way.

But you agree, that as I put it every song tries to be catchy to some, right??
I believe that there are songs that aim to make people shake their butt and there are others that want to make people think.
Blend of both. Pop-rock. It's the first time I've heard the band, I've checked their genre and it says alternative rock. Most of the time that's the case, blend of pop and rock elements are considered alternative rock (Coldplay comes to mind), don't know why. Don't know if the song represents the band's sound, though.
Well, perhaps it didn't represent the sound that much. But that's not that easy. They did various stuff. Much rougher stuff (definitely rock) such as this:
But they also had a short more electronic sounding period around 1982-1984 plus they also had a calmer more acoustic side. But their lyrics were no empty shells, so in that case (if I follow Ariana well) they are no pop.
I always thought of 'pop' as something that was attractive to a rather large audience and was something you wouldn't change the dial to listen to, but as the years wear on, you won't look for it to listen to. So, a song that today is 'popular' like that gangam style or whatever, in 6 months, it'll be part of the past and not listened to by that same large audience.
Oh, come on! Britney Spears' songs stay with you whether you want this or not. Yes, they are catchy. Are they good musically?

That's why I used a careful wording like "some quality". They are abominable, but I think that if they stay with you (which only very few have done with me), I think there has to be some sort of objectively definable quality to them.
Be very careful or Per may give his Helloween rant :)

I like Keys II, but I have to admit, it was my very first 'power metal' album, so it holds a special place in my heart. I should really take the time to re-listen to Keys I.
Here's my thoughts on the subject (Haven't been able to catch a moment to cut in! :lol:) I don't have a problem with Pop. As I stated before, there is some that I like but its Pop music nowadays that I really dislike. It has become really really bad. It all sounds the same and it's very repetitive. Also, there that little thing they use when the singer can't really sing to save their lives called 'autotune'. That is also getting used way too much. That's all you ever hear in a song anymore and it sounds so horrible! I like to hear my songs not sound like robots 100% of the time. I'm not sure how Pop music is in other countries but here, it's soo soo bad.
Just yesterday, a Taylor Swift song was stuck in my head "we'll never ever ever ever ever get back together".... my girls listen to that...
I'm Alive, Twilight of the Gods and A Little Time!
Bigger monuments in the history of metal than You Always Walk Alone, Rise and Fall and We Got the Right, for me at least. ;-)