Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

To be honest, I really like all the albums (I even appreciated 34.788%...Complete at some point), but imo the previous four:
don't have the same charm or not as many strong songs as previous or the latest work.

And before I forget: the violin has returned!
I really like Songs Of Darkness, Words Of Light. It was my first MDB album, and though it's far from their best, it's still special to me. For Lies I Sire has few OK songs too. I agree about other two.

I missed the violin too, glad it's back.
Alright, but what about this combination:
Pop is basic, straight-forward, easy listening and "gain as many listeners as possible" minded genre.
The way I define musical quality is my taste. If I don't like a song, it doesn't have the quality level I'm looking for. Music is a personal thing.
Is this possible?

Can you like a basic, straight-forward, easy listening and "gain as many listeners as possible"-song?
Flash, but this song doesn't match your full definition of pop. This is not a shitty lyric. It can make you think. It wasn't (only) written to gain as many listeners. It was written to bring attention to the problem of homelessness.

Apart from that, this is 1980s pop music, and pop music in the 1980s was pretty good, or at least I think it was way more interesting than the dime a dozen crap of these days.

I really like Songs Of Darkness, Words Of Light. It was my first MDB album, and though it's far from their best, it's still special to me. For Lies I Sire has few OK songs too. I agree about other two.

I missed the violin too, glad it's back.
To be honest, I haven't played these in ages. So I am not even sure how I'd distinguish them. Time to pick them up again.
You're confusing my statements with others' Foro :) I never said pop had shitty lyrics. I adore the lyrics to Another Day in Paradise. The reason why I like it is because it's special sounding, it has depth even though it sounds basic and it has a great atmosphere. I think I've stated on this forum that if I'm going to like a basic song it has to have a great atmosphere.
Quick summary of last three pages for lazy folks like me? :p

