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I really am yet to hear a truly good modern pop song. Of course there are catchy ones but that's nothing special since all pop songs are meant to be catchy.

In musical quality sense, of course. I mean I listen to Gangnam Style almost everyday to have a laugh and it's catchy as hell. I guess that's what it's meant to be, so it's a successful song nevertheless.

What about these??

Now I don't know what is your definition for 'pop' but I guess every song of every genre is meant to be catchy
I knew I would had a reply like this :p

I like the above song, I really like it and I guess there is a batch of people who love it.. I can't believe there is anyone who writes a song not trying to 'catch' the feelings, imagination and subconsciousness of other people.. In this respect every song is meant to be catchy, either to few, or masses, does it really matter??
Keeper of the Seven Keys part II is a magnificent album. There aren't a lot of albums out there without a single bad or below average song.
I like the above song, I really like it and I guess there is a batch of people who love it.. I can't believe there is anyone who writes a song not trying to 'catch' the feelings, imagination and subconsciousness of other people.. In this respect every song is meant to be catchy, either to few, or masses, does it really matter??

I think it's an absolutely amazing song. But really, we'd need to define "catchy" here, don't we?

It's because you are awesome-- awesome fixes many things!

Looks like it. Well, it's still only 'sort of' fixed, and probably won't get entirely fixed for some time, but it's a state I can live with. I hope.
Pop is basic, straight-forward, easy listening and "gain as many listeners as possible" minded genre. Rock is not entirely. Their approaches are different. The way I define musical quality is my taste. If I don't like a song, it doesn't have the quality level I'm looking for. Music is a personal thing.

The word "catchy" is not exclusively related to "catching". Like catching an emotion or something. In music, catchiness mostly describes a certain aspect that stays right within your mind all the time. Since pop is the ultimate genre of economic concern, all of its elements should be catchy. But in, say, progressive rock or jazz fusion, that is not the case. Of course there are catchy elements on them too but that's not the main ambition.
I think it's an absolutely amazing song. But really, we'd need to define "catchy" here, don't we?

Pronunciation: /ˈkatʃi/

adjective (catchier, catchiest)
(of a tune or phrase) instantly appealing and memorable:
Iron Maiden - Deja-vu (Dave Murray / Steve Harris (1986)
I think it's an absolutely amazing song. But really, we'd need to define "catchy" here, don't we?

Common sense-wise you're right, but I made it more clear in my second post: trying to 'catch' the feelings, imagination and subconsciousness of other people
Why not? How do you define quality. It's a quality to write and perform a catchy, grabbing melody / song.
Because like Flash said songs that are catchy focus on beat, repeated taglines and do not require any thought. I'm not saying that all pop songs are poor in quality but the fact that so many of them have the same beat and rhythm talks about lack of creativity.
So what is this (for you):
Pop or rock?

Blend of both. Pop-rock. It's the first time I've heard the band, I've checked their genre and it says alternative rock. Most of the time that's the case, blend of pop and rock elements are considered alternative rock (Coldplay comes to mind), don't know why. Don't know if the song represents the band's sound, though.
Hm, I gotta side with Foro on this one. There are songs that are catchy but bland, i.e. they do "catch" you, but you forget about them soon after. And there are songs that are catchy and stay with you for a long time. The latter must have some sort of quality to them if they work that way.
And that is why I don't throw all of pop to trash. Majority of pop works are bland, though. But still, some songs stay with you if you want it or not, that doesn't necessarily speak to taste. Since I consider quality=taste, I wouldn't call lots of songs I remember for years good.