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Hey weird indeed. I thought Maiden played on the 2nd day.

I don't remember. I was drunk.

Speaking of which:

I'm disappointed and sad, but I'm proud, confident and comfortable. Am I in a good or bad mode ?

Depends on the situation you're in, doesn't it? For example: I'm pretty much melancholic, because I wish it was next Wednesday (just make up the reason why, and I bet you'll be right). But, I'm returning to my place with a good number of vodkas in me and find that Terminator 2 is on the telly, which makes me happy. So, ditto, am I in a good or bad mode?
But what about you? As an historian and archaeologist, I need to know the context you're coming from to see where you're at now.
I really don't want to get into the same ol' crap once again :p Shortly : I intentionally ended my friendship with the girl I love after a period of observation and realisation.
Good for you.

It sounds fucking harsh, but it's the only way you can move on. Trust me: I've been where you are.

What you need to do now is lighten up, don't take life so hard and just enjoy your youth. Honest.
Yup, I'm proud of what I've done lately in this situation. I'm proud of myself and that's the thing that matters, I believe.
Plus one to Per's (many) statements above! Always better off to ditch the chick.

Per, your eve sounds awesome. Right now, i'm eating spicey chicken, drinking wine, and watching George Carlin.
On a rainy November saturday, what is better for passing time than importing music to your computer while doing active research to get all the info right (album, orchestra, conductor, solo artist, etc)?
I trust you started with November Rain then?

It's done years ago. In this batch I'm importing classical music, copied from my father's collection of such.

Speaking of: What do you folks think is the correct way of labeling classical works for solist and orchestra? I tend to let "Artist" just be the solist, and specify the name of the ensemble under "Orchestra or band".