Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Alrighty then... so here I am, surveying the contents of my personal website. Not Top10Songs, which many of you already know about, but SinisterMinisterX.net - the site which hasn't been updated in something like a year and a half. I'm conducting this survey in preparation for a long overdue update, and I found something interesting.

Ya see, I wrote and posted a few very weird short stories on that site. And I had forgotten the guest appearance which Paul Di'Anno makes in one of them. So for your amusement, I present an excerpt from the story featuring some guy who used to sing for Iron Maiden.


<The crowd buzzes loudly; most with excitement but some with indigestion. Suddenly, Paul Di'anno bursts through the door.>

Paul Di'anno: "Oi there geezers, it's time for a right beating!"

<Paul Di'anno starts crushing skulls. Fzzzlt yelps loudly and the higveq starts flowing. The Chair sucker-punches the delegate from Vormj and calls for his henchmen. Paul Di'anno, who can't be fought and can't be sought, hits Fzzzlt with a brick. The henchmen take one look at the scene and high-tail it outta there. (They will, later, put on a Yngwie Malmsteen CD and play air guitar.) Paul Di'anno high-fives The Chair, drinks a pint of ale and surveys the destruction.>

Paul Di'anno: "Right. That'll teach the bastards to fuck with my car."
Re: The Last Word

Onhell said:
I'm not using a mouse, but rather the touchpad on my laptop... what's your excuse? huh? HUH?
Get a mouse! I have a laptop as well, but rarely use the touchpad. :P
Re: The Last Word

I do have one, but I carry my laptop everywhere and carrying the mouse along is actually a hassle

But todays Last Word: Super Mouse! brought to you by your friends at Apple Co.
Re: The Last Word

I have a sneaky feeling Anomica is younger than me, and I still manged a respectable 333 (although, on my second go I got 375 - I learnt very quickly not to click on each pumpkin, rather than just hover the cursor over it).

So come on Anomica, age is not it. :P
Re: The Last Word

I got 303...  :(

Well the last word(s) is/are (just pick one of 'em): lollzoorz yoo yoo walla ur liek1ng t2h miadne, tey r teh r0xx0rzz yooo.
Re: The Last Word

Now you're just sounding like that weird, random, annoying kid who started that bow wow thread, Yax.  :ninja:What was his name, parawhore or something? Thanks for closing that thread, Perun. Very appropriate.
Re: The Last Word

Natalie said:
Now you're just sounding like that weird, random, annoying kid who started that bow wow thread, Yax.  :ninja:What was his name, parawhore or something? Thanks for closing that thread, Perun. Very appropriate.

Yes, it is wierd? It is in fact a mystery! Who am I to be as kvlt as parawhore? I tell you why! It is because I, Yax are in posession of my mom's pie recipies! First, I'll bake the pies. And then, claim the world and have you all my slaves! Muhahahahaha!  :yey:

Well the last word is: Yax!

Or, you can also call me master, Yaxalzian, or just simply Santa Clause. Just choose and you might win some delicious cheese.

Now, just one question. Am I in need of mental health care?
Re: The Last Word

I have to admit, when he mentioned Bow Wow - my first reaction was to the Japanese metal band of that name (not the hip-hop version or the English poppy version "Bow Wow Wow") which is why I suggested it go to the Metal forum OR NOWHERE AT ALL thanks to the crass grammar.

For more info on the Japanese version, click here. :D
Re: The Last Word

Yax said:
Yes, it is wierd? It is in fact a mystery! Who am I to be as kvlt as parawhore? I tell you why! It is because I, Yax are in posession of my mom's pie recipies! First, I'll bake the pies. And then, claim the world and have you all my slaves! Muhahahahaha!  :yey:

Well the last word is: Yax!

Or, you can also call me master, Yaxalzian, or just simply Santa Clause. Just choose and you might win some delicious cheese.

Now, just one question. Am I in need of mental health care?

Don't worry, this whole Pinky and the Brain (meaning, trying to take over the world) symptom seems to be shared by many individuals. I for one, have claimed for many years that, "when I become dictator of the world, tall people shall suffer!"

And yes, you may call me The Natalie if it makes you happy.