Alrighty then... so here I am, surveying the contents of my personal website. Not Top10Songs, which many of you already know about, but - the site which hasn't been updated in something like a year and a half. I'm conducting this survey in preparation for a long overdue update, and I found something interesting.
Ya see, I wrote and posted a few very weird short stories on that site. And I had forgotten the guest appearance which Paul Di'Anno makes in one of them. So for your amusement, I present an excerpt from the story featuring some guy who used to sing for Iron Maiden.
<The crowd buzzes loudly; most with excitement but some with indigestion. Suddenly, Paul Di'anno bursts through the door.>
Paul Di'anno: "Oi there geezers, it's time for a right beating!"
<Paul Di'anno starts crushing skulls. Fzzzlt yelps loudly and the higveq starts flowing. The Chair sucker-punches the delegate from Vormj and calls for his henchmen. Paul Di'anno, who can't be fought and can't be sought, hits Fzzzlt with a brick. The henchmen take one look at the scene and high-tail it outta there. (They will, later, put on a Yngwie Malmsteen CD and play air guitar.) Paul Di'anno high-fives The Chair, drinks a pint of ale and surveys the destruction.>
Paul Di'anno: "Right. That'll teach the bastards to fuck with my car."
Ya see, I wrote and posted a few very weird short stories on that site. And I had forgotten the guest appearance which Paul Di'Anno makes in one of them. So for your amusement, I present an excerpt from the story featuring some guy who used to sing for Iron Maiden.
<The crowd buzzes loudly; most with excitement but some with indigestion. Suddenly, Paul Di'anno bursts through the door.>
Paul Di'anno: "Oi there geezers, it's time for a right beating!"
<Paul Di'anno starts crushing skulls. Fzzzlt yelps loudly and the higveq starts flowing. The Chair sucker-punches the delegate from Vormj and calls for his henchmen. Paul Di'anno, who can't be fought and can't be sought, hits Fzzzlt with a brick. The henchmen take one look at the scene and high-tail it outta there. (They will, later, put on a Yngwie Malmsteen CD and play air guitar.) Paul Di'anno high-fives The Chair, drinks a pint of ale and surveys the destruction.>
Paul Di'anno: "Right. That'll teach the bastards to fuck with my car."